
Friday, May 31, 2013

I am really going to miss these kids...

Thank you so much for a FANTASTIC year! I was so blessed by having these kids this year. Thank you parents for sharing them with me, and thank you kids for being so AWESOME! I hope you have a great summer!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

My Merry Quilters!

We had such a fun time making our quilts after reading On the Banks of Plum Creek! Thank you to all the volunteers that came and helped us create our masterpieces!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Quilting Fun!

We have been quilting for the past two afternoons, and I have to say... they look AWESOME! We are all so thankful for the volunteers we have had so far! The kids are really starting to get a hang of this! (Maybe we have some future sewers in our midst!)