
Thursday, May 29, 2014

I'm Really Going to Miss these Kids!

What a tremendous year it has been! When I think back on what the year was like, I am filled with JOY! These children have a special place in my heart and I am so very thankful that I was their teacher this year. We had a fun day together... we laughed, and cried. And my hope is that when they think of their third grade year, they will remember the "family" that was created.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

What a fun day... a "Family" fun day!

We had a blast today at Palmer's Family Fun! It was so wonderful to watch them laughing and having a great time together. We have become more than a class... we have become a "family." This last week is going to be a tough one... we are not ready to see our time as a class come to an end.